Whats the format of HSK 6?

Whats the format of HSK 6?

The HSK 6 is the current final level of HSK (the newย HSK 3.0 is coming out soon)

If you’re looking to book the HSK 6 test you can do so on chinesetest.cn

HSK 6 Test Format

The test is divided into 3 parts: Listening, Reading and Writing, totalling 135 minutes, with 101 questions.

Total time: 135 minutes.

There are three parts:

– Listening
– Reading
– Writing

This is a pretty good guide for learning about the HSK 6 test by improve mandarin

To summarise:

Listening (35 minutes)
– Part 1 – 15 audio clips, ABCD statements and about 40 seconds for the question and answer time
– Part 2 – 3 interviews (2-3 minutes each), each with 5 questions
– Part 3.- 5-6 short passages (60-90 minutes each), each with 3-4 questions

Reading (45 minutes) – Total 50 questions, and 45 minutes. Pace should be less than 1 minute per question.
– Part 1 – 10 questions showing 4 incorrect statements. Choose the incorrect one.
– Part 2 – 10 short passages – 3-5 words missing, Choose the correct one out of 4.
– Part 3 – 2 longer passages with 5 sentences missing. Choose the correct one out of 4.
– Part 4 – 5 longer passages with 3-5 questions each. Choose the correct one out of 4.

Writing (45 minutes)
– Shown 1000 characters which will be retracted in 10 minutes. Rewrite it in less than 400 words and give it a title. No opinions.

How to prepare for the HSK 6?

Get a great Chinese tutor. 1 on 1 would be much better. Get the great overall understanding of Chinese, make sure you know the 5000 words of vocabulary as a start.

This online course by Peking University is a great course that I’ve been taking.

Practice each question type until you hit the pass mark!

You can download lots of practice papers and take them with your teacher.
One such example is here: HSK6 Practice Paper

The pass mark is 120/300.

However if you are applying to a university in China they will often set a higher required mark because the course is more rigorous than HSK 6 level, eg, Peking University for example.

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