How to identify and remove energy blocks?

Energy blocks are anything that is holding you back and taking your energy.
You know when you have an energy block because you are stuck in some way. You become unproductive, you are not growing.
It starts with defining what your goals are. The energy blocks then become more obvious, because it’s something that is stopping you on your way to it.
You can first identify them, and then seek to resolve them.
You can resolve it by defining what the energy block is, by reading about this, and seeking mentors.
These always exist to protect you in some way.
What is life seeking to teach me?
Issues are often interconnected, and can’t be solved in just one way, but in many small ways, or steps.
When they are resolved you will feel a huge breakthrough or energy rush.
Until the next one!

One big realisation I had recently is:
1) That I need to dedicate time to my family each day. Otherwise I just overwork, and it’s not helpful. It is actually counterproductive because when relationships are not nourished, it affects ability to work too.
2) The other part is that I spoke to a coach about it. This was incredibly helpful as a way to get other perspectives from successful people and see how they look at it. This is a great way to solve issues that is fast and efficient. I learnt so many new strategies to use and try out.

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