I became successful when I let go of hustle culture

Hustle culture is a work mentality that glorifies working long hours and sacrificing health, relationships, and hobbies in pursuit of success

I believed in hustle culture for the longest time. That brute force and working hard can solve any problem. But the problem with that is I soon reached the point where I couldn’t work any harder. I was working 18 hours a day, and it impacted my work, and my work became unproductive. I was drinking 8+ coffees a day. I was basically doing everything in the business. I actually broke my tooth, I had trouble sleeping. I was trying too hard.

Wake up, coffee, work, sleep, wake up, work, coffee, sleep.
I don’t have time to go out to see friends, or play sport.

– I found an interesting phenomena. That the more I let go, the easier it got. I won business deals when I stopped following up. I told them that if they don’t think we’re a fit, it’s totally fine. There’s no pressure at all. They wanted me more.

– For example, I was doing sales by myself, and I hired someone, who paid their salary before it was need to be paid.

– I went to a golf lesson, he told me the problem that I had was that I was gripping it too tight, I was trying too hard. I should aim

– It’s the same with sprinters, when they run at 80% they do better.

– It’s the same in dating, everyone knows that when someone is chasing you, it feels a bit off. Like don’t they have other options? Why are they trying so hard? It puts you off. It’s the same with everything else.

– When I first started a business, I launched two businesses, one was a study abroad company, one was a translation company. I was spending all my time on the translation company, but the study abroad was doing better.

Expect resistance, create resistance. If you are thinking it will be a hard grind, you will actually go that route. You will make things way more complicated. But there is often an effortless, and easy route. It’s often better.

What would this look like if it was easy?

It’s a balance between working hard, and letting go. For some people, they need to work harder, probably most people. For some people they need to let go. But working hard is just one part of the equation:

There are a few books I recommend
– Surrender Experiment
– Transurfing Reality
– Neville Goddard

It’s a balance.

– Sometimes go all in, but don’t need to put it all off.
– Don’t put off getting married, or taking care of your life because of your career. If you find the right woman, it helps your career, because that is actually putting out the energy that you are not enough.
– There is a difference between stress & strain. It’s a fine line. One is exciting, one is painful, and damaging.
– Rest and recreation is important – it helps you to grow and repair and think and see other ideas.
– There is abundance – there is enough. It’s easy.

1) Having a vision.
2) Making choices. Infinite outcomes.
3) Doing what is necessary. Focus on the actions.
4) Letting go, you can’t control it.
5) Mindset that it will happen, at the same time, I’m ok now.
6) Learning and repeating.

Trying too hard, is not balanced. When something is not balanced, the world corrects that imbalance in some way.

So here is my youtube channel. I have written, I’ve tried hard, but not too hard, I just published it, so let’s see how it goes.

The art of letting go.

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