Self-Improving the Brain Mental Performance Tests

Would someone who is not smart know that they were not smart?

The big way I want to improve is:
– To introduce complicated thoughts in a simple way.
– Speed of decisions, and decisiveness – practice it and a method for doing it
– Planning –
– Memory – practice it
– Ability to understand myself and complex things – through jouranling
– Focus – meditation
– Discipline

Do tests and before and after to see the results.

Ways to improve cognitive performance
– Test and practice it
– Limit stress
– Socialise
– Diet
– Sleep
– Reading
– Exercise

Performance Tests
– Memory
– Attention & Focus
– Consciousness – how aware am I of my intentions and continuity of that while testing it
– Numerical ability
– Comprehension
– Ability to understand complex things, and explain them simply.
– Ability to understand yourself
– Ability to understand others
– Presentness
– Language
– Ability to converse – Ability to explain concepts and verbalize them
– Ability to write
– Ability to converse and socialise with people
– Executive Function
– Problem solving
– Planning
– Inhibition & Control – to push through
– Regulation of emotions
– Cognitive Flexibility
– Processing Speed
– Visualspatial Skills
– Reasoning and Logic

– Flow
– Exercise
– Socialisation
– Reward
– Positive emotions
– Sleep
– Diet
– Community

Improving cognitive performance and overall mental agility is a holistic endeavor that can be broken down into several actionable steps. Here are specific recommendations based on the areas you highlighted, integrated with the habits you mentioned:

1. Introducing Complicated Thoughts Simply

• Techniques:
• Feynman Technique: Explain the concept as if you were teaching a 6-year-old. Simplify until the core idea is clear.
• Mind Mapping: Visualize complex ideas in a hierarchical structure.
• Analogies and Metaphors: Use familiar scenarios to explain complex concepts.

2. Speed of Decisions and Decisiveness

• Practice:
• Timed Decision-Making Exercises: Set a timer to make decisions on small tasks to build the habit of quick decision-making.
• Pros and Cons Lists: Quickly list the advantages and disadvantages to make informed decisions faster.
• “Good Enough” Concept: Recognize when a decision is “good enough,” avoiding perfectionism.

3. Planning

• Methods:
• SMART Goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound goals.
• Daily and Weekly Planners: Use planners or digital tools like Trello, Asana, or Todoist.
• Backward Planning: Start from the desired end result and work backwards to outline steps.

4. Memory

• Practice:
• Mnemonics: Use memory aids like acronyms, rhymes, or associations.
• Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS): Tools like Anki can help you review information at optimal intervals.
• Chunking: Break down information into smaller, manageable units.

5. Understanding Yourself and Complex Things through Journaling

• Journal Prompts:
• Self-Reflection Questions: “What did I learn today?” “What challenged me?”
• Thought Analysis: Break down complex thoughts into simpler components.
• SWOT Analysis: Assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

6. Focus

• Meditation:
• Mindfulness Meditation: Practice staying present and aware of your thoughts and sensations.
• Focused Attention Meditation: Concentrate on a single point of focus, like your breath.
• Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by short breaks.

7. Discipline

• Building Discipline:
• Habit Stacking: Tie new habits to existing ones (e.g., meditate after brushing your teeth).
• Commitment Devices: Use tools or agreements that make it difficult to break commitments.
• Progress Tracking: Keep a log of your progress to stay motivated.

8. Cognitive Performance Improvement

• Test and Practice:
• Baseline Assessments: Use cognitive tests to assess your current level.
• Consistent Practice: Regularly engage in activities that challenge your cognitive abilities.

9. Limit Stress

• Techniques:
• Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.
• Time Management: Prioritize tasks and avoid overcommitting.

10. Socialization

• Strategies:
• Regular Social Activities: Join clubs, attend events, or engage in group activities.
• Meaningful Conversations: Focus on deep, meaningful interactions rather than just surface-level talk.

11. Diet

• Brain-Boosting Foods:
• Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish, flaxseeds, walnuts.
• Antioxidants: Berries, dark chocolate, green leafy vegetables.
• Hydration: Drink plenty of water.

12. Sleep

• Sleep Hygiene:
• Consistent Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.
• Restful Environment: Ensure a dark, quiet, and cool sleeping environment.
• Limit Screen Time: Avoid screens at least an hour before bed.

13. Reading

• Consistent Reading Habit:
• Set Daily Reading Goals: Decide on a certain number of pages or time each day.
• Diverse Content: Read a variety of genres and topics to engage different cognitive skills.

14. Exercise

• Regular Physical Activity:
• Aerobic Exercise: Activities like walking, running, or swimming.
• Strength Training: Incorporate weight lifting or body-weight exercises.
• Mind-Body Exercises: Yoga or tai chi.

Performance Tests to Assess Improvement

• Memory: Digit Span, Word List Recall, Visual Memory Tests.
• Attention & Focus: Continuous Performance Test (CPT), Stroop Test.
• Consciousness: Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS).
• Numerical Ability: Arithmetic Subtests, Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
• Comprehension: Reading Comprehension Tests, Explanation Tasks.
• Language: Boston Naming Test, Verbal Fluency Tests, Writing Tasks.
• Socialization: Role-Playing Tasks, Social Responsiveness Scale.
• Executive Function: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Tower of London Test.
• Processing Speed: Symbol Digit Modalities Test, Coding Subtest.
• Visualspatial Skills: Block Design Test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test.
• Reasoning and Logic: Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Logical Reasoning Tests.


Incorporate these strategies and habits into your daily routine to enhance cognitive performance. Regularly assess your progress through various tests and adjust your practices based on the results. Combining practical techniques, healthy habits, and consistent evaluations will yield significant improvements over time.

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