3 Step Problem Solving Process

Depending on the difficulty of the problem and whether or not you’ve solved it before you can proceed through the stages

1) Analyse (2 hours)
– Focus on writing out the problem to get clear on it
– Imagine the outcome that you want – visualise it
– Consider options logically and then consider the best ones
– If this was easy to solve, what would that look like?
– Research online or search for examples of other people who have solved similar problems
– Try writing it out to get clearer on it

2) Leave to Subconscious (1 night)
– After in depth analysis then just step back, visualise the outcome, meditate on it
– Go to sleep on it, and imagine it solved, you might wake up with answers

3) Raise energy to Get above The Problem (1 week)
– If these fail, sometimes its important to get above the problem by raising your energy
– It seems counterintuitive but if you work out, go to events, connect and help people solve problems
– You will see the problem from a new, bigger, perspective and its easy to solve

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