How I beat hayfever and asthma – dust mites

How I beat hayfever and asthma – dust mites

I used to suffer from Hayfever and Asthma as a child. As soon as I moved to university, I never had it. I had it once when I stayed in a house in Peterborough and took a visit to A&E.

I was recommended to use Clarityn hayfever tablets, and asthma medication. I had it relatively mildly, but I must have had 30 Dr visits throughout my childhood.

After moving to China, I never had any hayfever or asthma.

I went to Malaysia, I did an allergy test and am allergic to dust mites.

I can’t understand why they never once tried to find out the cause of my allergy, only to treat the symptoms. Which led to more visits, to more costs on the symptoms and my own costs. Anyway, I’m guessing that this is improved now, as I read more about allergy testing being more common in UK. I am curious if this happens in more cases in UK health system.

How to beat it?

To eliminate the cause of the allergy.

  • Reduce dust and reduce moisture
  • Ensure the home has less moisture – dehumidifier
  • Open windows frequently
  • Wash everything at high heat
  • Don’t do drying of clothes inside – which increases moisture
  • Bedding is a core area which has dead skin and needs to be cleaned at least weekly at high heat
  • Clean the air conditioner
  • Put baking soda on material
  • Vacuum
  • Use clarityn if needed for protection
  • Don’t let moisture from shower throughout the house
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