Working on the right thing – Value & Unique

“So often people work hard on the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard.” Caterina Fake, Flikr

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau

If you are working really hard but don’t feel like you are paid for the effort you are putting in, then this is for you.

Are you providing value? and are you sufficiently different to others?

If you are not providing value then nobody is going to pay, if you are providing value, but there are loads of people who can also provide value, then it’s a highly competitive value.

  1. Provide Value
  2. Make it unique

The first step is usually to find a way to provide value. The second way is to make sure it is unique and there is no competition.

Many people do many different things, and most people are average the things .

Why you should aim to be the best in the world at something?

1) All the benefits go to the best in the world at something.
2) You can push forward human knowledge and enhance our civilisation
3) If others can do what you do better, then why are you really needed? You’re a commodity.
4) Excellence for excellence sake. How cool is it to be the best in the world at something.

This applies to individuals in a career, and / or companies.

If you are working super hard and want to

Many people try to optimise for the highest salary by negotiation or choosing a company that’s going to pay the most but it’s a mistake, especially early in the career. The most important thing a job is going to do is give you skills so you can add more value and differentiate yourself from the competition. If you are in the top right then you will be paid what you are worth by the market.

If you are looking for a job then this is the most important thing. To make sure you can provide value, and to differentiate yourself from others, by developing unique skills and abilities that other people can’t do.

Be the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true. Naval Ravikant

Zero to One – Peter Thiel
Pumpkin Plan

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