How to be a leader as a man in a relationship?

How to be a leader as a man in a relationship?

As a man I strive to be a great leader in my relationships.

Why? Because I believe I am a natural leader.

But what does that mean?

It means:

  • Setting a vision
  • Considering the needs of all.
  • To listen
  • Taking feedback
  • Being extremely competent
  • Being fast
  • Being decisive
  • Taking the initative
  • Improving
  • Taking responsibility
  • Setting and protecting boundaries
  • Helping those to succeed and arrive at a better place.
  • Solving problems.
  • Planning.
  • It’s about being the mature one
  • To provide the structure
  • To protect
  • Take the blame for problems, and give credit for successes
  • Being positive

I love the concept I read somewhere that great leaders see the greatness in you and reflect it back.

Being a great leader as a man is relaxing for a woman. She can relax knowing that everything is taken care of.

It’s not about:

  • Control, or being the “boss”,
  • It doesn’t mean to be the leader in every area. Some areas I don’t need to lead.
  • It’s not about complaining or criticising

These principles apply to being a leader of a relationship, family, a company, or a country.

Can relationships work without there being a leader? Maybe, but I think not. Every decision and everything being managed by two people equally is going to be hard work and slow. It’s more likely that the roles can be divided equally between the two people, and each person is a leader in certain areas. In this case, they are both leaders of different things.

To be a great leader it’s a good idea to prioritise self-improvement, continually raise your value, work out, develop yourself, and learn. There are many great books, such as those below and also marriedredpill community on reddit.

Best Book on Levelling Up as a Man – The Mindful Attraction Plan

Best book on Assertiveness “When I say No I feel Guilty”

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida Review

No More Mr Nice Guy Summary & Quotes by Robert Glover


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