2023 Goals

2023 Goals

I am sharing some thoughts here with the goal of clarifying them.

I used to think that business and entrepreneurship was very interesting and challenging, but I’ve come to the belief that business is mostly common sense, people skills, and the ability to focus.

Now I’m looking for something more challenging. I’m interested in learning more, and interested in these areas:
– Biotechnology – and how we can understand ourselves more and enhance ourselves
– Governance – and how we can improve our organisation
– AI and learning
– Education and how we can reach our potential
– Music (as a hobby)

Some things I’m working on in 2023:
To scale up Global Admissions to be the world’s biggest and best platform for studying abroad.
– Exploring ways to incorporate AI into the admissions process, and customer service
– Exploring ways we can create better ways to evaluate and identify each student. I think that personalisation is one of the core trends that is going to drive the future of education. Right now we have recommendation engines on social media. In order to be able to provide really good personalisation, we need to develop tools to evaluate each student and work out what makes every student unique. I’m exploring a 360 degrees analysis as a first step to this, by first creating the best 360 evaluation, and then to automate it and create a dashboard that people can use to keep track of over time.
Creating content – constantly be publishing content on Youtube, Blog, Linkedin, Podcast and other social media. I think its valuable to write and it’s good to be publishing content and creating rather than consuming. To create as a way of learning, including as a way to connect with people – through conversations on podcasts, and attracting likeminded people who find my content.
Learning the following Languages: Chinese, Russian, Spanish.
– Exploring ways to learn more about
– Biotech,
– Governance,
– AI & Education,
– and Music, and by reading generally. I love learning about interesting topics and I will seek out more of these topics and then create content about them so I can learn better.
Exercise and Endurance – to push my body and mind by doing long distance endurance, while continually going to the gym to maintain my fitness.
ย – I plan to work on my openness with people – I will work to be more productive so I have more time to rest, relax, and be open to new and chance encounters.
ย – Productivity and Time Management – when I have lots of interests and big goals, it’s important to be super efficient and use time well. That’s why I need to continually work on this and by improving this, cutting out stuff, hiring the right people, and spending my time where I have the biggest leverage, I’ll be able to achieve more.
Unplug – I will also make sure to have more time to unplug which will improve productivity
Travel – I’m happy to have left China and to be able to travel internationally after not being able to travel in the last 3 years. I am excited to travel to USA, Russia, Africa, and Europe and South America.
I am in the search of something big to have a real impact, and I will continue with this hunger, and think that the above things will put me in a better position to do that.

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