What does an ideal education look like?

What does an ideal education look like?

This questions brings up more questions.

– What is education?

Education is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits.  The word Education is derived from Latin word. educere, educare, and educatum which means “to learn”, “to know” and “to lead out”. • That is education means to lead out internal. hidden talent of a child or person.

– What is the purpose of education? 
The purpose of education is to develop humans to the best of their ability, to bring out their talents and skills so they can be a successful and valuable member of society.

– How do we measure the quality of education?
There are many ways to measure the quality of the education. Test results, and core academic ability. The success of alumni, the wealth of alumni, or how well rounded an individual is. 

What does an ideal education look like? 
It depends if the purpose is to develop people who can fit into certain roles in society, or if we are looking to develop super humans. We could create an education that looks to develop the best blacksmiths, waiters, computer programmers by giving personalised education to those roles. We could give an all rounded education and then focus on a specific job role or skill. We could focus on each individuals talents or interests.

– By being more personalised – using technology to give a personalised education
– By giving personalised incentives and motivations – to tap into that individuals motivation to drive them forward. Everyone is motivated by different things.
– By creating the right environment for competition. Surrounding top performers with top performers can raise their games to a next level.
– By being more hardcore – at what point is too much? Chess champions, racing car drivers, and golf champions focused on honing their craft from a young age. What can we learn from them?
– What is the optimum amount of rest vs work vs play?
– By educating parents. Parents play a key role in education of students, for Andre Agassi, and many other world class performers their parents were the driving force. We can arm them with the knowledge and skills, so they can realise whats possible and have the ability to improve their own child’s education.

A Tool for Parents

We could create a tool for parents so they can help manage the education of their children.
A tracker to see their kids progress over time – a 360 degrees assessment of students, with IQ tests, and interviews etc., and a way to track and gamify their learning and progress and give a more personalised educational experience.
A dashboard.
A community to communicate with other parents.
Connections to tools and ideas and a way to track how effective they are.

  1. Assessments – a range of tests to evaluate their current level to give a data analysis and a way to compare it to others, understand yourself, and chart an education path forward. This can include – personality tests, interviews and academic tests, strengths tests etc., A really, really, comprehensive testing system.
  2. Peers – introduction to others who are at similar levels so they can help and motivate each other.
  3. Courses, Tutors and Mentors – suggestions of courses and tutors to help upgrade to the next level, and then to evaluate.

One of the main problems with education now is that it is cooke-cutter – one size fits all. To get the best education it needs to be personalised to each student. With technology that is now possible to be completely personalised. The first step in personalised education is proper assessments and testing so we can differentiate and understand what makes each student different.

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