I think its really important to define important terms before going into more detail. Otherwise we might be thinking about totally different things.
What is a mindset?
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
But I also think of mindset as: “mental status”
It includes descriptions of the patient’s appearance and general behavior, level of consciousness and attentiveness, motor and speech activity, mood and affect, thought and perception, attitude and insight, the reaction evoked in the examiner, and, finally, higher cognitive abilities.
the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.
“State of mind” is defined as the quality of one’s consciousness as it relates to the outside world, as well as the perception of their inner thoughts and emotions. When you’re in control of your state of mind, you’re the master of your emotions and you understand that life is happening for you, not to you.
– 2) Our daily behaviour
– 3) Our state of mind – as defined by tony robbins
Having the right mindset is so important for success. It is really important to manage our mindset to be able to produce and compete at the highest level.
What makes an optimum mindset?
Its where our mindset has everything it needs: rest, nutrition, growth, challenge, love, social. It’s where we are motivated, clear thinking, and operating at our best, growing, pushing ourselves, in peak productivity and operating in a state of flow. It’s when we are operating in our uncomfortable zone, feeling fear and pushing our boundaries. It’s when we are doing our core talents and consistently growing.
I think the optimum mindset is:
- Clear headed
- Energetic
- Excited by work
- Motivated and driven
- Doing something difficult
- Are free from distraction
What we need:
- Sleep / rest.
- Meditating
- Focussed and
- Removed from distractions
- Eating well with the optimum diet
- Growing and can feel growth.
- Interesting social life
- Surrounded by like minded, talented people providing support, fun
- Working out and stimulating our body.
I like the idea of eudaimonia