Beware of Scholarship Agents & Guaranteed Scholarships

Beware of Scholarship Agents & Guaranteed Scholarships

Because there is a lack of information it can be difficult for international students to know about the process of applying for scholarships, there are a number of agents around the world who are selling “Guaranteed Scholarships”. This can be for a fee of $1000 USD-$4000 USD + You can find these on Facebook, Wechat, and Whatsapp. This is especially common in countries that do not speak English.

We do not offer Guaranteed Scholarships, and on China Admissions you can not buy a scholarship. We believe it is better to be transparent and so we are trying our best to share all the information about scholarships so you are able to understand the process and apply by yourself. 

We do have some universities that we regularly send students for Scholarships, such as Beijing Foreign Studies University but we do our best to share this information on our platform and you do not need to pay any extra fee.

We do have a China Scholarship Service if you would like more support throughout the process and to save time. We do need to charge for it because it can take a lot of our time. But due to the complexity of applying for scholarships, we do not manage the scholarship for you.

We offer our China Scholarship Service where you can buy some of our hours where we work with you as a consultant.  We can work with you through various stages and help to educate you about the process, and be available for support so you can apply by yourself.

You can learn more here.

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