Why I’m developing a personal brand and creating content

Why I’m developing a personal brand and creating content

Richard Coward personal brand VISION

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’re not going to get there.”

Every person already has a brand. I see it as a very powerful asset that can be developed.

In times of increasing uncertainty and change, it’s important to develop a personal brand. It helps to attract opportunities, connect with people and its one of the fastest ways to grow and reach your potential.

I am building a team to create high quality content. In order to create a high performing team it’s necessary to have a compelling vision. This is the vision and WHY of we are creating content.

Why are we creating content?ย 

We are creating content to educate and inspire people to grow and explore the world and be better, to discover and share inspiring stories of real people. It helps people understand and connect different cultures and realise that we are more similar than we are different. To help people to grow and reach their full potential, and give them tools they need to make the best decisions and live to their true potential.

The scope of the content is universal, so it can capture a wide audience.

It is also better to create a personal channel compared to a company.
People prefer to connect to people and it can reach a wider audience than a company account can.

We will build out a global personal brand giving out high quality content for free that helps drive traffic to China Admissions and other education related businesses, and helps other people to build out their own potential and create the life of their dreams.ย 

We do quality, quantity and consistency. It’s hard – this is hard.ย 

At the start we put out more quantity than quality, and as we grow we build out the team and processes and improve the quality.


What are our values?

  • Original / Authentic / true to yourself
  • Care about others
  • LEARNING at all costs – We experiment
  • Open minded – Global – we are all the same
  • Hard work
  • Excellence – to live your best life and reach your potential
  • Fast


  • The core of the content is creating high quality content which is recycled into different social media.ย 


  • Weekly podcast – interview interesting people each week to help inspire people to help them grow. 1 per week
  • Educational videos on Youtube. 1 per week

Content is recycled onto these

  • Linkedin – 3 per week
  • Xiaohongshu – 3 per week
  • Instagram – 3 per week
  • Twitter – 3 per week

Where can we be?

  • Make 50 podcasts in 2022 by interviewing amazing people
  • Make 50 really educational and inspiring videos on Youtube
  • To have millions of subscribers and followers and have a strong team and an amazing content generating machine.
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