- Have this intention – to be more articulate.
- Have a clear reason why. Understanding the power of articulation to influence others and recognising that communication is one of the most powerful skills that can change your life
- Being articulate has a few parts – a rich vocabulary, but mainly being able to pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.
- Read.
- Replace commonplace words – such as good or nice, with more specific and descriptive ones such as excel, positive, or warming.
- Don’t be use long words or speak for the sake of it. Have a point. Continue to follow Orwell’s rules for writing. Keep things simple. Don’t use a long word when a short word would do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. Otherwise you sound pompous.
- Write
- Practice speaking, record yourself and seek improvement.
- Make videos
9 Ways to become more articulate