6 Things I Learnt about Time Management

6 Things I Learnt about Time Management

Here are 6 things I learnt about time management. Time management is an art, and being good at managing time is one of the best investments you can make.

What do I use?

  • Evernote – I like to use evernote for making lists of tasks going
  • Notebook – to write down things as I’m working
  • Apple Watch – to time myself

Here are 6 things I learnt:

  1. Planning is key to effective time management. Taking a few minutes at the start of the week or day to plan out your goals and the steps needed to achieve them can save a lot of time in the long run. Allocating around 10% of your time to planning can help ensure that you are focusing on the most important tasks and making the most of your time.
  2. Prioritizing tasks is also crucial for effective time management. It’s important to tackle the big, important tasks first, rather than getting caught up in smaller, less significant tasks. Think of it like the experiment where you try to fit as many items as possible into a jar. If you start with the small items, there won’t be enough room for the big ones. By starting with the big tasks, you can ensure that you have time for everything that needs to be done.
  3. Time blocking is a useful technique for organizing your day and maximizing your productivity. By dividing your day into blocks of time and assigning specific tasks to each block, you can ensure that you are focusing on the right tasks at the right time. Setting a timer can also help you stay on track and avoid getting distracted.
  4. Grouping related tasks together can also help save time. For example, if you have a few phone calls to make, it can be more efficient to schedule them all back-to-back rather than spreading them out throughout the day.
  5. Small Tasks: It’s also helpful to keep a list of small, quick tasks that can be done in 5 minutes or less. This can be a useful way to make use of any spare time you have and get things done efficiently.
  6. Know Thyself – Knowing when you are most productive and scheduling your tasks accordingly can also help you make the most of your time. For example, if you are a morning person and find that you are most focused and energized in the morning, you may want to schedule your most important tasks for that time of day. On the other hand, if you are more of a night owl, you may find that you are more productive in the evening. By scheduling your tasks according to your natural rhythms, you can ensure that you are working at your best.
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