360 Degrees Assessment

360 Degrees Assessment

We have been giving personality tests for students and I am considering launching a much more comprehensive test and evaluation.

The problem

Most of us are not achieving our full potential. We follow habits that we may have developed many years ago that might not be serving us. Very few of us really deeply understand ourselves. It’s hard to understand ourselves. What makes us different to others? What are our unique abilities and strengths? What can we do to improve ourselves? What are your goals? And are there are some people who may be able to help you achieve those? What do you do if you feel stuck? Is there a way you can get a really deep understanding of ourselves?

There isn’t really any way of doing that now from an external source. There are many ways you can evaluate yourself, but there is nothing that is really comprehensive. Every part of our life is connected to each other. What role do our finances and relationships and health play with each other? There are education consultants and health consultants, but nothing that looks at both of them together. Is an MBA really right for you? What are the alternatives? Are you in the right career? Could you benefit from taking a course you never heard about, from taking a yoga retreat, or by connecting with a group of people in another country. An MOT is required for every car on the road, but not for people. I believe that there are many people who could benefit from having an external, objective 360 degree evaluation. Having that outside knowledge about yourself and how you work could completely change your life, even if it just gave you one or two insights.

The solution

I am considering providing a full service to do a full evaluation of people which is really really in depth.

It includes:
– Who are you? What is your personality? Full personality assessment, and lifeline, and life history. This includes questionnaires, but also interviews.ย  What is your biggest achievement? When were / are you most happy?
– What are your goals? What do you see as your strengths / weaknesses and what do you want to work on?
– Where are you now?
– Financial review – net worth, expenses, income.
– Career progress, and work assessment, productivity
– How you spend your time, with a 1 week time audit. What did you do for those 30 minutes.
– Health check – full evaluation. This could include any diseases, sugar management etc.,
– Sleep check – tracking data from your device
– Diet – tracking what you’ve consumed in the last week.
– Exercise routine and practices.
– Relationships check. How are they? And also interviewing people who know you. How can you improve in this area?
– Content – what kind of content are you consuming? Books, social media, podcasts etc.,

After taking this test, we will review it with a team of professionals from different angles: doctors, education, fitness, career, financial, and give you a full report. We will then give you suggestions that can help you. This would mainly be:

1) Mentors – people who can help you achieve in certain areas, eg., a fitness coach, dietician, or 1 on 1 teacher.
2) Peers – you can be matched with people who have the same issues so you can work together in a mastermind to track progress over time.
3) Content – what material / content / books / online courses could you take

This would then be tracked on an online system, that you can review each year and check in with goals.

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