12 Ways to Get Yourself to Write When You Don’t Feel Like It

12 Ways to Get Yourself to Write When You Don’t Feel Like It

Every student knows the feeling of having to do work when you don’t feel like it.

I am writing an article every day and there are some days when I don’t feel like it (such as today). Well, actually I wrote this 2 weeks ago. I have already scheduled a load of articles in advance to have a buffer. I am aiming to write articles and schedule them 2-3 months in advance so I can feel ahead. Some days I might write 2-3 articles.

There are always going to be times when you don’t feel like doing something – working, making a phone call, writing an article, or going to the gym.

But consistency is so important. You need to do things consistently to see the results. That means that you have to force yourself even when, and especially when, you don’t feel like it.

So here 12 ways you can get yourself to do it:

  1. Make a 10 Ways list. Sometimes when I want to achieve something I will make a list of 10 ways to achieve it. So go ahead and make your own list of 10 ways to get yourself to write. I find that it’s normally easy to find 6-7 things. The last few things on the list can be harder but these are the things that actually be totally life changing and help you to achieve it.
  2. Understand Why. Is there some reason why you don’t feel like it? Maybe you are tired or sick or didn’t eat well, or maybe there are other things you would like to work on. Maybe you need to have a rest or holiday. You can learn the lesson of this – you can schedule a time for a rest or holiday later.
  3. Focus on the end result.  (not how you are feeling).It’s good to understand why you feel this way, but don’t dwell on it. Right now you are focusing on how you feel and thats not helpful. You need to shift your focus on what it is you want to achieve in the future. Imagine and visualise what it is you want to achieve, and that will pull you to take action.I like to shift my focus towards the feeling of having already written the article and having a 5 minute break and how amazing that feels.
  4. Understand the Wild Horse Analogy. I like to think of myself as a wild horse. I am so strong and powerful and have many talents and abilities but just like a wild horse I need to master myself in order to direct the energy to reach my potential. That is why I take cold showers. It shows myself that my brain and my mind is in charge, not my feelings. Try taking a cold shower. You will be able to write much more easily after it. Trust me!
  5. See this as an opportunity for you to grow: I’ve been reading about the strategies and power of the samurai in “The way and the Power” and its a great book. One thing they say is that life is struggle and that we grow from struggle. So if you don’t feel like it you, you can look at it as an opportunity to grow and become a better self.https://www.amazon.com/Way-Power-Secrets-Japanese-Strategy/dp/0873644093
  6. Watch a motivational video One thing that separates being a professional and amateur is that you do things when you don’t feel like it. Check out Joe
    Rogan for some inspiration.
  7. Just get started. You are probably picturing in your mind how much of an effort it is to write a whole article, but just focus on getting started and writing one or two lines. Often getting started is the hardest part. With that momentum it will be so much easier to keep going.
  8. Take a cold shower
    I went through a phase of taking cold showers everyday. I think it’s good practice because it’s like telling my body that I am in charge.
  9. Realise the importance of building a habit. It’s really important to build a habit so that it’s easy to do stuff when you don’t feel like it.
  10. Turn on some nice music, grab a coffee and set a 30 minute timer (or a 10 minute timer)
    That’s quite motivating and relaxing.
  11. Accept that the quality might not be the best. You are going to have times when you write better than others and that’s OK. Just accept that you are human. But the more you write and the more you do something the better it will get.
  12. Give yourself a reward – celebrate the win.Can you trick yourself into giving yourself a reward after writing? Maybe a chocolate bar or a Cornetto or something else fun that you like.

If you are struggling and you do something when you don’t feel like it then thats a big personal win. It’s a quiet win that others don’t see and realise but it’s something that can separate you from your competitors and something that can contribute to you being world class. If you can make doing stuff when you don’t feel like it as part of your personality then your life will really change.

You can also check out some motivational quotes to inspire you.

I have to admit that it was pretty hard to get started on this article, but now that I’ve finished it, I have to say that I really enjoyed writing this article, my fingers are moving fast and feel like I can write another one.

Has this motivated you? Leave me a comment and that can get the ball rolling on your writing

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