100 ways to get rich

100 ways to get rich

Benjamin Franklin: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

We are living in a golden age!

Achieving wealth can be the result of a variety of strategies, skills, and a bit of luck.

I hope this list can give you an idea or help you to become wealthy!

Here are 100 ways to build your wealth over time:

Mindset and Education

1. Read Daily: Focus on books and articles that enhance financial literacy.

2. Set Clear Goals: Know what you want to achieve financially in short and long terms.

3. Learn from Mentors: Find mentors who have achieved the success you seek.

4. Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset to overcome challenges and setbacks.

5. Embrace Learning: Constantly seek to learn new skills and expand your knowledge.

6. Understand Risk: Learn to manage and take calculated risks.

7. Build Resilience: Bounce back from failures; use them as learning experiences.

Career and Professional Development

1. Pursue Higher Education: Degrees can open doors to higher-paying jobs.

2. Specialize: Specialists often command higher salaries than generalists.

3. Improve Your Skills: Regularly update your skills to remain competitive.

4. Ask for Raises: Don’t be shy to ask for a raise if you believe you’ve earned it.

5. Change Jobs Strategically: Sometimes the best raises come from switching companies.

6. Start a Business: Entrepreneurship can lead to significant wealth.

7. Consult or Freelance: Use your skills to earn extra money outside your main job.

8. Become a Manager: Leadership positions often offer higher pay and bonuses.

Financial Habits

1. Make a Budget: Know where your money goes, and plan accordingly.

2. Save Religiously: Always set aside a portion of your income into savings.

3. Invest Early: The earlier you invest, the longer your money has to grow.

4. Diversify Investments: Spread out your investments to manage risk.

5. Maximize Retirement Contributions: Take full advantage of retirement accounts.

6. Use Tax-advantaged Accounts: Save on taxes with IRAs, 401(k)s, etc.

7. Monitor Your Credit: A good credit score lowers borrowing costs.

8. Avoid Debt: Minimize debt, especially high-interest consumer debt.

9. Create Multiple Income Streams: More sources of income equals more security.

10. Invest in Real Estate: Property can increase in value and generate rental income.

Entrepreneurship and Side Hustles

1. Start an Online Business: Leverage the internet to reach a global market.

2. Develop Apps: Mobile marketplaces can help you reach millions of users.

3. Flip Real Estate: Buy properties, refurbish them, and sell for a profit.

4. Create a Product: Design and sell a unique product online or in stores.

5. Offer Online Courses: Teach others and get paid for your expertise.

6. Write a Book: Self-publishing makes it easier than ever to sell your ideas.

7. Become a YouTube Creator: Create content that could lead to ad revenue and sponsorships.

8. Start a Podcast: Build a following and monetize it.

9. Engage in Affiliate Marketing: Promote products and earn commissions.

10. Invest in Startups: High risk but potentially high returns.

Real Estate and Investing

1. Buy Rental Properties: Earn from renting out your investment.

2. Real Estate Crowdfunding: Participate in larger projects with less capital.

3. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): Invest in real estate via the stock market.

4. Land Flipping: Buy land low, sell it high.

5. Commercial Real Estate: Invest in office buildings, stores, and other commercial properties.

6. Real Estate Management: Offer to manage properties for other landlords.

7. House Hacking: Live in a portion of your property and rent out the rest.

8. Airbnb Host: Rent out rooms or entire homes for short-term accommodations.

Stocks, Funds, and Bonds

1. Long-term Stock Investments: Buy and hold stocks with growth potential.

2. Dividend Stocks: Invest in companies that pay out dividends.

3. Index Funds: Invest in a broad market index.

4. Mutual Funds: Let professionals manage your investments.

5. Day Trading: Buy and sell stocks quickly to seize earning opportunities.

6. Bonds: Invest in government or corporate bonds for steady income.

7. Options Trading: Advanced strategy that involves significant risk but potential high returns.

Specialty Areas

1. Art and Collectibles: Invest in valuable art or rare items.

2. Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and platinum can be safe assets.

3. Cryptocurrency: Highly volatile but can offer substantial gains.

4. Venture Capital: Invest in early-stage companies.

5. Angel Investing: Provide capital to startups for equity.

6. Forex Trading: Engage in the global foreign exchange market.

7. Commodities Trading: Trade items like oil, grain, and more.

8. Patents and Royalties: Invent something and patent it or earn from licensing.

Saving and Minimalism

1. Live Below Your Means: Spend less than you earn.

2. Minimalist Lifestyle: Reduce expenses by living with less.

3. Meal Prepping: Save money by cooking at home.

4. Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Review and reduce monthly subscriptions.

5. Use Public Transportation: Save on car maintenance and fuel.

6. DIY Projects: Do home repairs and projects yourself.

7. Shop Secondhand: Buy used items when possible.

Personal Development

1. Networking: Connect with others to find new opportunities.

2. Public Speaking: Enhance your ability to influence and persuade.

3. Time Management: Make the most of your time, as it’s a limited resource.

4. Personal Branding: Build a personal brand in your field.

5. Stress Management: Keep your mental health in check to maintain focus on your goals.

Social and Ethical Investment

1. Social Entrepreneurship: Start a business that addresses social problems.

2. Ethical Investing: Invest in companies that meet certain moral criteria.

3. Community Projects: Invest in local projects or small businesses.

4. Support Education: Invest in educational programs that can improve society.

Wealth Management

1. Hire a Financial Advisor: Professional advice can tailor investments to your needs.

2. Tax Planning: Efficient planning can save large amounts in taxes.

3. Estate Planning: Ensure your wealth is distributed as desired upon death.

4. Insurance: Protect your assets and wealth with appropriate insurance.

5. Retirement Planning: Plan in advance for retirement.

Advanced Strategies

1. Leverage: Use borrowed capital to increase the potential return of an investment.

2. Hedging: Protect against losses by investing in opposing positions.

3. Fund of Funds: Invest in a variety of funds to spread risk.

4. Private Equity: Invest in private companies for ownership stakes.

5. Offshore Accounts: Sometimes used for tax benefits, but watch for legality.

6. Tax Havens: Know the laws to potentially reduce taxes legally.

Charity and Community

1. Charitable Giving: Contribute to charity; it can often provide tax benefits.

2. Invest in Local Schools: Education is critical for community welfare.

3. Support Local Businesses: Help build the local economy which in return can enhance your network.

4. Volunteer: Increase your network while helping others.


1. Utility Patents: Secure patents for useful inventions.

2. Design Patents: Protect the unique appearance of your products.

3. Trademarks: Protect your brand identity to maintain unique market presence.

4. Copywriting: Skill in writing can open diverse revenue opportunities.

5. Public Relations: Managing your public image to enhance career and business opportunities.

6. Legal Knowledge: Understanding of laws can prevent costly mistakes.

7. Continuous Improvement: Always look for ways to improve in every aspect of life.

Each method requires different sets of skills, resources, and time investments. While it’s crucial to focus on a few at any given time, expanding your horizons and diversifying your approach can help increase your chances of becoming wealthy. Personal effort, discipline, and perseverance are key ingredients in the recipe for wealth.

Related Inspirational Quotes

Here are ten thought-provoking quotes from various influential figures about wealth, success, and the journey to getting rich:

1. Warren Buffett: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

• This quote emphasizes the importance of creating passive income streams to achieve financial independence.

2. Robert Kiyosaki: “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”

• Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” highlights the importance of saving, wisely investing, and thinking long-term about wealth.

3. Oprah Winfrey: “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

• Oprah’s words bring a broader perspective on wealth, suggesting that true riches come from gratitude and celebrating achievements.

4. Elon Musk: “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.”

• Elon Musk’s approach to getting rich involves taking significant risks on ventures he believes in, regardless of their difficulty.

5. Steve Jobs: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”

• Steve Jobs believed that passion and satisfaction in one’s work are crucial for success and personal wealth.

6. Benjamin Franklin: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

• Franklin’s wise words suggest that investing in education and self-improvement can yield the greatest returns in wealth creation.

7. Tony Robbins: “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

• Tony Robbins encourages breaking out of comfort zones to create new opportunities for wealth.

8. Andrew Carnegie: “The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.”

• Unlike common advice to diversify, Carnegie promoted the idea of focusing intensely on a single area to achieve wealth.

9. J.K. Rowling: “It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

• Rowling underscores that choices, rather than just abilities, play a crucial role in paving the path to financial success.

10. Richard Branson: “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”

• Branson views failures as integral learning steps towards success and wealth, encouraging perseverance and resilience.


Learn More

You can also explore our other articles about this topic such as 100 Ideas to Make a Million Dollars


Search for these books online or check if they are available at your local library:

1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki – This book offers fundamental lessons on the importance of financial education, investing, and building wealth.

2. “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham – This is a seminal book in investment philosophy, highly recommended for understanding value investing.

3. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill – A classic personal development and self-help book that explores the psychological power necessary to achieve financial success.

4. “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko – This book provides insights into the habits of wealth-accumulating individuals who aren’t necessarily the ones you expect.

Online Courses

Look up these platforms that offer finance and investment courses:

1. Coursera – Offers a variety of courses in partnership with leading universities on topics ranging from personal finance to investments.

2. Udemy – Provides extensive courses on specific areas such as stock trading, real estate investing, or cryptocurrency.

3. Khan Academy – A great free resource that offers simpler and well-explained lessons on economics, finance, and capital markets.

Websites and Blogs

These websites provide valuable articles, tools, and analysis:

1. Investopedia – A comprehensive resource for personal finance, market analysis, and financial terminology.

2. The Motley Fool – Offers advice on stock investments and personal finance management.

3. Seeking Alpha – Useful for more detailed stock market analysis and individual stock insights.

4. NerdWallet – Provides reviews, information, and tools to understand everything from credit cards to investments.


Consider listening to these for insights and advice while on the go:

1. “The Dave Ramsey Show” – Focuses on debt reduction strategies along with general personal finance tips.

2. “ChooseFI” – Aims at a broad approach to financial independence including efficient investing, real estate, and hacking financial systems.

3. “BiggerPockets Podcast” – Mainly focuses on real estate investing and being a successful landlord.

YouTube Channels

These channels provide visual and step-by-step guides in finance:

1. Graham Stephan – He covers real estate investing and general personal finance strategies.

2. Andrei Jikh – Focuses on personal finance, investing, and passive income generation.

3. Meet Kevin – Offers advice on real estate, stocks, and a wide range of financial topics.

By exploring these resources, you should be able to gather substantial knowledge on building wealth and enhancing your financial literacy. Remember, the key is to continue learning and adapting your strategies as you grow your finances.


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