100 Reasons Why You Should Learn Chinese

100 Reasons Why You Should Learn Chinese

I learnt Chinese and it changed my life

Here are 100 Reasons Why You Should Learn Chinese

Learning a new language opens up a world of opportunities, and when it comes to Chinese, those opportunities are as vast as the language itself. Mandarin Chinese is not only one of the most spoken languages globally but also a gateway to one of the world’s oldest and richest cultures. Here are 100 compelling reasons why you should consider learning Chinese:

Cultural Understanding

  1. Access to Ancient History: Learn about China’s 5,000-year-old history directly from the source.
  2. Appreciate Chinese Literature: Explore classic and modern Chinese literature in its original language.
  3. Understand Philosophy: Gain deeper insights into the teachings of Confucius, Laozi, and other philosophers.
  4. Enjoy Cinema and Music: Experience Chinese movies and music without the barrier of translation.
  5. Cultural Festivals: Understand and participate in Chinese festivals like the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
  6. Calligraphy: Learn the art of Chinese calligraphy.
  7. Cuisine: Better understand the names and stories behind China’s diverse and delicious cuisine.
  8. Martial Arts: Comprehend the philosophies and instructions of Chinese martial arts.
  9. Traditional Medicine: Grasp the fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine.
  10. Folklore and Mythology: Delve into rich and intricate Chinese myths.

Career Opportunities

  1. Business Opportunities: China’s economy is one of the largest and still growing.
  2. Networking: Connect with Chinese-speaking professionals globally.
  3. Job Marketability: Stand out in the job market with Chinese language skills.
  4. Entrepreneurship in China: Start and manage businesses in China more effectively.
  5. International Relations: Opportunities in diplomacy and international relations.
  6. Tourism Industry: Work in or start a business catering to Chinese tourists.
  7. Technology Sector: Collaborate on projects with tech giants like Alibaba and Tencent.
  8. Teaching: Teach English in China or Chinese in non-native countries.
  9. Translation and Interpretation: Increased demand for skilled translators and interpreters.
  10. Finance: Engage more directly with Asia’s biggest markets and investors.


  1. Speak with 1 Billion People: Mandarin Chinese has the most native speakers globally.
  2. Connect with the Chinese Diaspora: Engage with Chinese communities worldwide.
  3. Travel Easily in China: Navigate travel in China more smoothly.
  4. Emergency Situations: Communicate in critical situations while in Chinese-speaking regions.
  5. Build Relationships: Forge personal and professional relationships.
  6. Express Nuances: Understand and express nuanced concepts unique to Chinese.
  7. Overcome Language Barriers: Help bridge language gaps in multilingual environments.
  8. Cultural Respect: Show respect and appreciation for Chinese culture through language.
  9. Family Connections: Communicate with family members who speak Chinese.
  10. Immigration Advantages: Ease the process of living, studying, or working in Chinese-speaking areas.

Cognitive Benefits

  1. Boost Cognitive Skills: Enhance memory, problem-solving skills, and brain function.
  2. Improve Multitasking: Better at multitasking due to managing two linguistic systems.
  3. Delay Dementia: Lower risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Increase Attention Control: Improve focus and attention to detail.
  5. Enhance Creativity: Learning Chinese uses visual and linguistic skills that boost creativity.
  6. Better Math Skills: Improve mathematical ability through the logical structure of Chinese.
  7. Musical Perception: Enhance musical ear, as tonal languages improve pitch recognition.
  8. New Ways of Thinking: Access different ways of organizing information and solving problems.
  9. Improved Language Structure Understanding: Learn about the structure of other languages by comparison.
  10. Spatial Abilities: Increase spatial awareness through character recognition and writing.

Personal Development

  1. Challenge Yourself: Mastering Chinese is a rewarding intellectual challenge.
  2. Set Yourself Apart: Distinguish yourself in both personal and professional contexts.
  3. Achieve Personal Goals: Fulfill a personal goal or lifelong dream.
  4. Cultural Competence: Become more culturally aware and sensitive.
  5. Self-discipline: Develop patience and discipline through study.
  6. Resilience: Learning a difficult language can boost your resilience.
  7. Confidence: Build confidence through the accomplishment of learning Chinese.
  8. Life-long Learning: Foster a habit of continuous personal and professional development.
  9. Personal Satisfaction: Enjoy the satisfaction of understanding and using a new language.
  10. Adventure: Embark on linguistic and cultural adventures.

Educational Advantages

  1. Study Abroad: Access to educational opportunities at Chinese universities.
  2. Scholarships: Availability of scholarships for those proficient in Chinese.
  3. Academic Research: Conduct research or access a vast amount of Chinese academic materials.
  4. Historical Research: Explore historical documents and artifacts.
  5. Improve Standardized Test Scores: Better performance on language learning aptitude tests.
  6. Enhanced Resume: Add a valuable skill to your CV.
  7. Learn Other Languages Easier: Provides a foundation for learning other East Asian languages.
  8. Educational Programs: Participate in exchange and immersion programs.
  9. Cultural Exchange: Engage in cultural exchange more meaningfully.
  10. Broadened Perspectives: Gain a broader perspective on global issues.

Practical Reasons

  1. Travel Independently: Travel more freely in China and Taiwan.
  2. Cuisine Exploration: Navigate menus and markets in Chinese.
  3. Shop and Bargain: Bargain and shop more effectively in Chinese markets.
  4. Understand Signs and Notices: Read signs, notices, and other information.
  5. Use Chinese Tech and Apps: Utilize Chinese technology and applications.
  6. Living Abroad: Manage daily life more effectively in a Chinese-speaking country.
  7. Cultural Nuances: Understand cultural references and nuances in conversation.
  8. Enjoy Chinese Media: Access and enjoy media in Chinese without subtitles.
  9. Attend Events: Participate in Chinese-language events and activities.
  10. Emergency Preparedness: Navigate emergency situations where Chinese is required.

Social and Global Engagement

  1. Global Understanding: Play a part in global understanding and peace.
  2. Cultural Advocacy: Advocate for and support Chinese culture and language preservation.
  3. Sustainability Projects: Engage in environmental and sustainability projects in China.
  4. Human Rights: Participate in or start initiatives around human rights in Chinese-speaking regions.
  5. International Development: Contribute to international development projects involving China.
  6. Global Citizenship: Become a more informed and engaged global citizen.
  7. Media Literacy: Understand global media in Chinese for more perspectives.
  8. Diplomatic Engagement: Engage more directly in diplomatic efforts.
  9. Cultural Sensitivity: Increase sensitivity to cultural differences.
  10. International Collaboration: Work on international teams more effectively.

Miscellaneous Reasons

  1. Unique Identity: Develop a unique part of your identity.
  2. Fun: Learning Chinese can be a fun and enjoyable process.
  3. Community: Become part of a community of learners worldwide.
  4. Art and Poetry: Engage with Chinese art and poetry on a deeper level.
  5. Spiritual Growth: Explore spiritual texts and practices in their original form.
  6. Mindfulness Practice: Practice mindfulness through Chinese characters and calligraphy.
  7. Fashion and Design: Gain insights into Chinese fashion and design.
  8. Technology and Innovation: Understand and contribute to discussions on technology in China.
  9. Culinary Skills: Learn to cook authentic Chinese recipes.
  10. Collecting: Collect and appreciate Chinese antiques and art.

Long-term Benefits

  1. Legacy Skills: Pass on Chinese language skills to future generations.
  2. Historical Connections: Connect with historical events in a personal way.
  3. Genealogical Research: Trace family roots for those of Chinese descent.
  4. Cultural Preservation: Contribute to the preservation of Chinese culture.
  5. Intellectual Growth: Continue intellectual growth into later life.
  6. Adaptability: Develop adaptability by navigating new linguistic landscapes.
  7. Professional Development: Continue professional development in fields related to China.
  8. Cultural Bridges: Build bridges between cultures through language.
  9. Heritage: Connect with your own or your family’s heritage.
  10. Global Impact: Make a positive impact on global interactions and understanding.

Learning Chinese is more than acquiring a new language; it’s about opening doors to a myriad of personal, professional, cultural, and intellectual opportunities. Whether for practical, developmental, or cultural reasons, the benefits of learning Chinese are profound and numerous, making it a worthwhile endeavor for anyone interested in expanding their horizons.

Are you interested in learning Chinese?

You can learn more about Chinese programs on China Admissions.

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