100 Benefits of Getting Married Young

100 Benefits of Getting Married Young

“Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.” – Barbara De Angelis

How committed are you?

I was super committed in my business

But not so much in my relationships.

But you can’t just be committed in one area and not others.

Commitment is something about a person.

I got married at 36

I’m super happy

But I was putting off getting married for a long time

I didn’t have any desire. What’s the benefit for a man to get married? I thought

Isn’t it better to be more free? That’s what I thought.

I thought it would be so difficult and didn’t have any desire.

But getting married to an incredible partner is such a great life hack.

It can help you focus, and you can build something together.

You can learn and grow together.

I think sometimes in our society we seem to shun marriage and commitment, as somehow “not cool”, and it’s better to be free.

But that’s not reality.

On the other hand, it’s about respecting your partners time.

Are you spending years of your youth with someone, only to move on? What a waste.

But, just as importantly, are you respecting your own time? That’s also extremely valuable.

I always thought that getting married would limit my personal growth, but I’ve found it the opposite.

It’s enable me to grow in many ways and become a better person.

In this article I want to write the benefits of getting married young, and how commitment can actually make you more free.

And why we shouldn’t follow the media and how casual dating is actually harmful to society.

It’s a waste of time.

Just like casual working is a waste of your time, and your employers time.

Just commit, and put it all in.

Here’s a perspective i wished I heard when I was younger.

I never heard this perspective.

I always heard the perspective about being free and casual dating.

Watching netflix and being afraid of commitment.

It’s also better to have a family young.

Then you can spend more time with the kids as you grow up.


This doesn’t apply to everyone. There is some benefits in waiting, to know yourself better, and to work an develop yourself better. But I would like to argue in this article that it would be better for you to learn and know yourself a bit faster, and not be so patient with your time. Youth is wasted on the young. You don’t have as much time as you think.

100 Benefits of Getting Married Young

  1. You grow together as a couple from an early age
  2. More time to build a strong foundation for your marriage
  3. You’re less set in your ways and more adaptable
  4. Easier to combine friend groups when you’re both young
  5. More years to enjoy married life together
  6. Ability to have children at a younger age
  7. You face life’s challenges together when you’re young
  8. Financial benefits of two incomes at an earlier age
  9. You have a partner supporting you through education/career
  10. You avoid the loneliness some feel in their 20s
  11. Lower risk of infertility than if you wait longer
  12. You don’t have as many ingrained single habits to break
  13. Travel and explore the world together while you’re young
  14. Someone to split expenses like rent/mortgage with
  15. Built-in emotional support system during young adulthood
  16. You create family traditions from the very beginning
  17. Share in the excitement of achieving early milestones
  18. You don’t have to go through the modern dating scene
  19. Reduced likelihood of premarital sexual partners
  20. Ability to save money on things like taxes
  21. You have someone there as you start your career
  22. You may have an easier time blending backgrounds/cultures
  23. You face fewer health issues when starting a family young
  24. Lower risk of birth defects when conceiving at a younger age
  25. There’s more time to experience grandparenthood later
  26. Increased chances of a longer life together
  27. You may find it easier adjusting to married life vs. later
  28. You can grow old together, sharing life experiences
  29. Increased opportunities for family bonding at an early stage
  30. You may feel more motivated to succeed as a partnership
  31. Getting an early start on building wealth together
  32. Younger bodies may heal faster after childbirth
  33. You have a partner for moral/emotional support in your 20s
  34. Ability to buy a starter home and build equity early
  35. Lower risk of certain pregnancy complications at a younger age
  36. More energy and stamina for raising children when you’re young
  37. Potential to advance your career faster as a committed team
  38. Extended family may be more involved in your marriage
  39. You can experiment with careers while benefiting from dual incomes
  40. Sharing hopes, dreams and goals from an earlier stage
  41. Financial advantages like family health insurance rates
  42. Children may have younger grandparents for longer
  43. Adjusting to marriage before being set in single routines
  44. More likely to have relationships with siblings’ future children
  45. You have a partner during the often difficult post-college years
  46. Early practice at conflict resolution and compromise
  47. You may feel more supported when facing hurdles in your 20s
  48. Ability to make literally decades more of memories together
  49. Children born closer in age to cousins for family bonding
  50. Reduced vulnerability due to having a partner
  51. Sharing the magic of holidays/traditions creating new ones
  52. Never having to spend major holidays alone
  53. Stability that may help each partner take calculated risks
  54. More time for your assets/investments to grow over decades
  55. Children could potentially have living great-grandparents
  56. You may remain more socially connected as a couple
  57. Emotional burden of setbacks can be shared at a young age
  58. Kids born to younger parents may have more active childhoods
  59. Lower divorce rates statistically for those marrying younger
  60. Extended family gets to join your journey from the beginning
  61. Allows you to relocate or move for careers together
  62. You can enjoy an empty nest at a potentially younger age
  63. Possible higher combined income levels over your working years
  64. You have someone to split chores and responsibilities with
  65. Less attachment to bachelor/bachelorette lifestyles
  66. Kids may have closer relationships with parents as a result
  67. You avoid some of the biological clock pressures of delaying
  68. Identity can be formed as a couple vs. long-term singles
  69. Lower risk of developing certain fertility issues
  70. Beginning joint financial decision making early in life
  71. More family time and holidays experienced over a lifetime
  72. Shared housing, utility and living expenses from an early age
  73. Someone to celebrate successes and accomplishments with
  74. Younger bodies may recover faster from injury or illness
  75. Children born to younger parents may have a cultural advantage
  76. Eliminates the ambiguity of long-term dating relationships
  77. You may have an easier time being on the same life schedule
  78. Your working years can overlap more for higher combined income
  79. Extended family may have more influence over the marriage
  80. Developing healthy communication and conflict resolution skills
  81. Lower combined health care costs when insured as a couple
  82. Children may know grandparents for longer if parents marry young
  83. Facing systemic challenges of adulthood together as partners
  84. You jointly create routines and habits free of single patterns
  85. Splitting costs on big purchases like homes, cars, furniture
  86. You may become grandparents at a relatively younger age
  87. Your single friends can integrate into your couple friends
  88. Potentially qualifying for more tax credits and deductions
  89. Establishing a stable family unit at an early phase of life
  90. Eliminates the financial costs of dating long-term
  91. Extended family may take the marriage more seriously
  92. You have a partner to lean on during stressful career years
  93. Children may benefit from younger, more energetic parents
  94. More likely for families to influence education/values
  95. Ability to pursue investments like real estate earlier
  96. You don’t have to downsize your home after becoming empty nesters
  97. More time to save for your children’s college expenses
  98. Relationship has more time to deepen before major life tests
  99. Social and family expectations may be reduced
  100. You can literally grow up alongside your partner

Related Quotes

  • “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  • “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.” – Barbara De Angelis
  • “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer
  • “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” – Henny Youngman
  • “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers
  • “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” – Andre Maurois
  • “Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own small dailies of making it work.” – Susan Cheever
  • “The difficulty with marriage is that we fall in love with a personality, but must live with a character.” – Peter De Vries
  • “A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.” – Pearl S. Buck
  • “Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can’t sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can’t sleep with the window open.” – George Bernard Shaw

Learn More

Here are some helpful resources to learn more about marriage:


  1. “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John Gottman
  2. “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman
  3. “The Meaning of Marriage” by Timothy Keller
  4. “The Conscious Bride” by Sheryl Paul
  5. “Getting the Love You Want” by Harville Hendrix

Online Courses:

  1. Marriage Preparation Course (www.marriagepreparation.com)
  2. The Marriage Refreshers Course (https://marriagetoday.com)
  3. Premarital Online Courses by PREP (https://www.prepinc.com)


  1. The Gottman Institute (https://www.gottman.com)
  2. The National Marriage Project (https://marriage.virginia.edu)
  3. The Marriage Room (https://www.themarriageroom.com)
  4. Marriage.com
  5. TwoOfUsWorld blog (https://twoofusworld.com)


  1. The Marriage Podcast for Smart People
  2. Awesome Marriage Podcast
  3. The Marriage Fit Audio Blog
  4. The Marriage Therapy Radio Podcast
  5. Marriage Kids and Money Podcast


  1. RELATE couples workshops (https://www.relate.org.uk)
  2. Marriage Encounter weekend retreats (https://marriages.org)
  3. Local pre-marital or marriage counseling

These cover premarital preparation, communication, conflict resolution, intimacy, finances and many other important marriage topics from experts.

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